Well, I'm embarassed to see that my last post was in September. I chock this up to having a really busy fall at work and getting used to our nightly routine at home. I would really like to continue my blog, but I think I need to post more than once per quarter. So, this is a new year and a fresh start. I can't say that I will post daily, but I will be doing lots of sewing and plan on showing some things I'm doing on here. I don't even know if anyone is reading this, but at least if I promise "in public" that I will blog more often then hopefully I will be more likely to keep that promise! Here is something I made recently, as part of Bumble Beans'
Wave Runner Quilt Along.

This is very unlike anything I've done before - different color scheme, solids instead of prints, freehand piecing and quilting, etc. I really enjoyed it and have thought about other colors that would work well with this pattern/style too. It was freeing to cut without measuring and piece together random strips, cut into smaller bits, and rearrange them all until it was just right. Definitely felt good, but I still enjoy me some 90 degree angles too. Also, the backing was a fabric (Nouveau by Sentimental Studios) I bought a long time ago that looked very different in person than it did online. It suits this project just fine!
Thanks for looking!