When I first got interested in sewing I was all about really funky prints and had no interest in plain old solids. I only used them on the back of wall hanging quilts. Now, out of necessity (they're cheaper than prints) and change of taste I find myself thinking about solids and using solids much more frequently. I love putting together different combinations of colors and seeing how other quilters out there are using them. I love Cherry House Quilts and her use of solids. I can't wait to see her new book!
Oh Fransson's Paintbox quilt pattern was the perfect way to incorporate my growing stash of solids with my stash of prints. It felt really good to make a quilt top almost entirely out of fabric I already had (besides the sashing). These are the first 2 blocks I made, a midway shot, and I have since finished the whole top. I'm working on piecing the back of this quilt and will show pictures when I'm done (hopefully soon!)
I've been seeing more and more string quilts in blogland and although I love the scrappy look of using different prints my mind is still in the solids gutter. I made a few blocks, using Film in the Fridge's tutorial, and using varied widths of strips. I like how they came out, but they are intended as part of a swap in the New England Modern Quilt Guild and I'm nervous about whether or not my partner will like them... hmm.... Anyway, I'm committing to blogging more often. I love doing it, but work has gotten in the way. Darn job! :)

Lastly, I'm moving out of my apartment with my amazing sewing area and into an apartment-yet-to-be-determined in Seattle in September. I'm hoping I'll still have room to spread out and tape a whole quilt back to the floor and leave bits of scraps and threads around without disturbing my "roomie." :)
Thanks for looking!
Thanks for looking!