Sounds impressive, but all the while I worked on it I couldn't help but hear my dad's voice saying "never do a job half-assed!" I started this project about four months ago and was getting tired of looking at it folded up, not being used. And I was sort of getting tired of looking at it in general. I want to move on to new things but also not let my WIPs (works in progress) pile up unfinished.

Somewhere in the middle of all that jumbled mess I sat and wrestled this beast!
I chose to do a large meandering quilting pattern, but I can't help but wonder if it was more of an effort to be done with it and not have to look at it anymore than to enhance the project itself. Overall I'm happy that (once bound) it will be be used and appreciated for actually covering the whole bed (unlike the quilts we use now), but I just don't feel as excited about it now as when I first started it in September. I've been thinking about the relationships that we have with the quilts we make. You invest tons of time and money into it and sometimes the relationship loses its spark and sometimes it turns into something better than you imagined! Has your relationship with a quilt ever grown, or diminished, with time?

At least someone likes it! :)

Thanks for looking! (and sorry for such poor lighting in these photos!)